
畢業生離校程序 Graduation procedure for Graduates


Please wait until the final grade deliver to registrar division, then can begin to

process the leaving procedures*In order to acquire your graduation certificate,

there are several graduation procedures you need to complete before you leave the


Step 1. 登錄註冊組:畢業生離校手續系統,並詳閱注意事項 ( )

Step 1.  Login 【Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU】  → thoroughly read the “Note”

Step 2. 至系網下載列印(依照你的學制類別)填寫離系程序單,並上網填寫應屆畢業生問卷 :

Step 2.

→ Download, fill it and print it out (http://ibdpe.ncku.edu.tw/files/11-1405-19462.php?Lang=zh-tw)the【Application Form for Resignation 】according to your degree level.

→Fill the online【Questionnaire for Graduates】

1.          IAA航太所  https://goo.gl/forms/HG8MUdfOIIvtSofv2

2.          ICA民航所  https://goo.gl/forms/9RLfzwi1EGxMUu6m1

3.          DAA航太系  https://goo.gl/forms/rKWh55ICGuXanX7U2

4.          IBDPE能源大學部 https://goo.gl/forms/MIYjrgDQ44X1a63w2

5.          IAA(Eng.)航太所(英文版)  https://goo.gl/forms/kiaWukSkvbwFtQ8i1

6.          ICA(Eng.)民航所(英文版)  https://goo.gl/forms/YNOxpmLt3gxFJiIg2

7.          DAA(Eng.)航太系(英文版)  https://goo.gl/forms/OCuhuIQuwvKhXsPy2

8.          IBDPE(Eng.)能源大學(英文版)  https://goo.gl/forms/0hLiZncWGcqymdhr2

9.          IMDPEE/IDDPEE(Eng.)能源碩博(英文版)  https://goo.gl/forms/uNLs1QUgdCV0iCkg2

Step 3. 離系程序單(請列印出)皆蓋章完畢,始得在離校程序單上蓋系戳

Step 3. Complete the process from department to continue the process of graduation from university.
